In the past, every element of a business or personal life, such as bills, invoices, receipts, letters, memos, medical and legal records, surveys and documents of all types were generally printed on A4 paper and stored in lever arch files or in filing cabinets. This meant that every piece of information had to be accounted for in a filing system, and it was very easy to misplace or lose documents and files which are essential to the smooth running of everyday life. Now that the digital age has arrived and most companies and individuals are able to run their businesses and lives online electronically, some of the clutter and hassle of paper filing has been removed. However, it is likely that many will still have a massive backlog of insufficiently filed documents and records that are cluttering up space and costing money to store and sort, and we are still being flooded by posted paper documents of all kinds from those who have still not moved into the digital age. Luckily for the stressed businessmen, secretaries and accountants everywhere it is now possible to quickly and easily convert all of your old paper documents from your filing system into digital files thanks to Document Scanning Technology. This is not only cheap but will revolutionise and unify your digital filing systems and allow you to finally free up space and money you were previously dedicating to paper filing systems. But how does the Document Scanning Process work, and what kind of benefits can I expect to experience as a result of Document Scanning? Here are the basics of the system and the benefits of digitally filing your documents.